23 11 2024
Jakarta, 23 November 2024 - In a series of its 7th anniversary, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) launched a number of "gifts" and contributions to the country's energy security. Not only creating a multiplier effect through the National Strategic Project, through a social action entitled "Klang Pertamina Internasional Green Journey Challenge", thousands of KPI workers voluntarily carried out a charity walk for one month with a total distance of 231 thousand km which was converted into Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) assistance worth IDR 178 million. The donation innovation combines elements of worker volunteerism and TJSL.
"The donations collected are used for Mangrove conservation and empowerment of coastal communities in Indramayu. A total of 2024 Mangrove trees will be planted. It is projected that our program will be able to support emission reductions equivalent to 79,745 kg of CO2 over the next 20 years, or around 4 kg of CO2 per year," explained KPI Corporate Secretary, Hermansyah Y Nasroen.
In implementing this Mangrove conservation, KPI collaborates with the CarbonEthics foundation, an organization engaged in the field of "natural climate solutions". The symbolic handover of aid was carried out during the KPI 7th Anniversary thanksgiving event some time ago.
Cumulatively, throughout 2024, KPI through the TJSL program has distributed aid of IDR 16.5 billion. The TJSL program that KPI has run sustainably has produced very good results. This can be seen from the Social Return on Investment (SROI) Score for the program that received a Gold Proper with an average score of 2.49, and is included in the "Very Good" category.
"The combination of volunteer movements and TJSL is nothing new at KPI. In the framework of KPI's 7th Anniversary, we are carrying out this volunteer movement more massively, attracting the participation of almost 2000 workers from the Head Office, Dumai Refinery, Plaju Refinery, Cilacap Refinery, Balikpapan Refinery, Balongan Refinery, Kasim Refinery, and Subsidiaries," added Hermansyah.
Hermansyah added, in addition to the social action, entering its 7th year, KPI has recorded many other achievements for the country including the accumulation of decarbonization equivalent to 3.8 million tons of CO2 since 2010, the multiplier effect and absorption of TKDN of 33.9% through the National Strategic Project, the ongoing greenfuel roadmap through the green refinery project, to the development of products equivalent to Euro V and low sulfur.
"In our 7th year, KPI will continue to move forward to prioritize positive impacts for the country's energy security. We raised the theme 'Refining Resilience' which reflects KPI's capability to process energy resources to create refinery profitability amidst the challenges of the existing energy trilemma," concluded Hermansyah.
KPI is a subsidiary of Pertamina that runs its main business of oil and petrochemical processing in accordance with the ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) principles. KPI has also registered with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and is committed to the Ten Universal Principles or Ten Principles of UNGC in its operational strategy as part of the implementation of ESG aspects. KPI will continue to run its business professionally to realize its vision of becoming a world-class Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Company that is environmentally aware, socially responsible and has good corporate governance.
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