30 11 2024
Jakarta, 30 November 2024 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) continues to be committed to empowering communities through the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Programs throughout its operational areas. KPI also has a commitment to sustainability and a strong determination towards the implementation of ESG in supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.
"KPI in its TJSL program implementation strategy certainly considers ESG principles and supports 17 sustainable goals. KPI is also actively developing the use of renewable energy and strengthening programs that support the absorption of carbon emissions," said KPI Corporate Secretary Hermansyah Y. Nasroen.
In the Cilacap Regency area, the Cilacap Refinery empowers communities in urban areas through the utilization of available land and the improvement of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). As a form of recognition for its implementation, the program called Kampung Berkualitas GADIS (Guyub Aman Damai Indah Sejahtera) was awarded the Platinum category at the 2024 Indonesia Sustainable Developments Awards (ISDA). (28/11)
"The Cilacap Refinery through its Kampung Berkualitas program, namely GADIS, has succeeded in implementing a sustainability program formulated in the Sustainable Compass which consists of four elements, namely Nature, Economy, Social, and Wellbeing," said Hermansyah.
Hermansyah explained that the sustainability of the program from the four aspects of the Sustainable Compass has succeeded in reducing emissions through the use of PLTS by 1.35 tons of CO2 per year. In addition, there was an increase in the income of the KYE Ecoprint Group of IDR 10 million per month through the sale of ecoprint fabrics and producing finished products.
"This program has received a Community Satisfaction Index with a Very Good predicate and the 2021 KLHK Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) Main Category award," said Hermansyah.
The GADIS program is also a place for community service for the Cilacap State Polytechnic (PNC) community. This program is in line with the Development Goals (SDGs) number 1, namely No Poverty and 8 Decent Jobs and Economic Growth.
In addition to the platinum category award, KPI also won 4 awards for the Gold category. Dumai Refinery through the Bedelau Minapolitan program succeeded in empowering coastal areas and making fishermen independent through environmentally friendly programs. Dumai Refinery, Sungai Pakning operation also won gold through the Sekolah Cinta Gambut program.
"Through the Bedelau Minapolitan program, freshwater fisheries production has increased by 50 - 100 kg per month. In addition, Sekolah Cinta Gambut in Sei Pakning Riau, succeeded in planting 5,000 Perennial Plant seedlings in the area of ??35 schools, 3,750 SD Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network, and won the Adiwiyata award at the Provincial level," said Hermansyah.
In the easternmost part of Indonesia, the Kasim Refinery through the Moi Lestari Mandiri Kampung Berdikari program provides women with accessibility to employment and the economy. This is done by forming a traditional women's group with a focus on coconut oil processing to address the high price of oil in the region. In this program, the innovation of Environmentally Friendly Coconut Oil (MiKa RaLin) technology was introduced. From the processed results, there are shells that can replace firewood, thus having an impact on reducing CO2 by 2.1 tons per year.
Meanwhile, the Balikpapan Refinery through the Climate Village program in Muara Rapak Village, is carried out by caring for the environment and improving community welfare. "This program has succeeded in planting 100 Rhizopora mangrove seedlings in a year. In addition, more than 30,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries, as well as producing handicrafts from plastic waste and organic fertilizer," explained Hermanyah.
KPI also managed to bring home the Corporate Leadership on Social Responsibility category award for The Most Committed Corporate to The Environment Pillar. This appreciation was given to KPI as its commitment to the environmental pillar.
"This award is an acknowledgment of KPI's contribution to the development of sustainable programs across all KPI operating units," said Hermanyah.
"This award is proof that KPI continues to be committed to supporting community empowerment, both in the development of sustainable programs and the use of renewable energy as a global effort to achieve Net Zero Emission 2060," concluded Hermansyah.
KPI is a subsidiary of Pertamina that runs its main business of oil and petrochemical processing in accordance with the principles of ESG (Environment, Social & Governance). KPI has also registered with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and is committed to the Ten Universal Principles or Ten Principles of UNGC in its operational strategy as part of the implementation of ESG aspects. KPI will continue to run its business professionally to realize its vision of becoming a world-class Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Company that is environmentally aware, socially responsible and has good corporate governance.
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