09 11 2024
Bogor, 9 November 2024 - Realizing its environmental commitment, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) has once again collaborated with the Ministry of Environment/Environmental Control Agency in the Ciliwung River conservation program. The activity, which is part of the 2024 Ciliwung Festival and Clean River Program (Prokasih), successfully involved 850 online and offline participants and cumulatively collected 2.7 tons of waste from June to November 2024.
Deputy Minister of Environment/Deputy BPLH, Diaz Faisal Malik Hendropriyono, President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Simon Aloysius Mantiri, and President Director of KPI, Taufik Aditiyawarman directly led the clean-up action.
Simon Aloysius Mantiri emphasized that the biodiversity and environmental restoration program is one of Pertamina's sustainability focuses which is carried out in an integrated manner with all Subholdings under Pertamina, including KPI as the parent company of Pertamina's refineries and petrochemicals.
Simon continued that Pertamina provides full support to maintain the sustainability of the Ciliwung River Basin through various environmental initiatives under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program which is in line with the implementation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) values. "Collaboration like this is expected to be an example for other companies in supporting sustainable environmental management," explained Simon.
Diaz Faisal Malik Hendropriyono appreciated the Ciliwung Riverbank Conservation program considering that the Ciliwung River, which stretches 119 km from Bogor to Jakarta, is one of 15 strategic River Basins (DAS) prioritized in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). "The participation of all elements and communities is absolutely needed to maintain river quality. Of course, we hope that the community will participate and no longer throw away waste that can pollute our rivers," said Diaz.
KPI Protect the Earth Initiative
KPI President Director, Taufik Aditiyawarman explained that the Ciliwung Riverbank Conservation program is part of the company's "Climate Project" (KPI Protect the Earth Initiative). In line with Simon, Taufik explained that through the sustainability commitments carried out, KPI's ESG performance has recorded proud figures where the company's ESG management was awarded the predicate "Strong" from the global rating agency Sustainalytics and is classified as a medium-risk business.
Through these conservation activities, KPI planted 500 tree seedlings consisting of Mangrove, Mahogany and Merbau trees to reduce carbon. The planted trees will be divided into 3 (three) planting locations including on the Ciliwung Riverbank as many as 150 tree seedlings, Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Nature Tourism Park as many as 300 tree seedlings to be planted on November 12 and Srengseng City Forest as many as 50 tree seedlings to be planted on November 17.
The Climate Project Program (KPI Protect the Earth Initiative) includes recording the carbon footprint of PT KPI officers and the earth in the form of a Carbon Passport as an effort to reduce the carbon footprint to achieve the Net Zero Emission (NZE) target in 2060 or sooner.
KPI is a subsidiary of Pertamina which runs its main business of oil and petrochemical processing in accordance with the ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) principles. KPI has also registered with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and is committed to the Ten Universal Principles or Ten Principles of the UNGC in its operational strategy as part of the implementation of ESG aspects. KPI will continue to run its business professionally to realize its vision of becoming a world-class Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Company that is environmentally aware, socially responsible and has good corporate governance.
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